How to think your way around a problem in code

You learn to code in order to make stuff that you find important. Often this is called “scratching your itch” (where the itch is your particular passion). Perhaps you have a great idea for a goofy game, maybe you’ve thought of a way to improve people’s lives through helpful technology or you may just want to program a computer to do something just for you.

No matter what, you’re going to have to turn your raw idea into something that works. Here’s the good news: so long as you don’t need to break the laws of nature, given enough time and effort, anything is possible. The bad news is that while something may be possible, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy or even worth the effort. Furthermore, you may not have the time or resources required to make the thing that you want, nor even realise how much time or effort is needed.

How do you make a start? How do you make sure you’re doing the right thing? How do you know when you’re done?

There are no right answers to these questions because each project is different and the people involved are all different. However, the following advice may help you learn the answers for your project with your collaborators.

What’s the Problem?

Who’s the User?

Why your Solution?

Has this been done Before?